The embarassing failure of the Reddit bo

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I was already laughing when I saw the cheeto fingered faggots of reddit thought they could shut down one of the biggest websites on planet earth by making changes that can be overturned by admins in 5 minutes. But my god, I didn't think it could get this embarassing. Reddit made vague, empty threats that SOME mods MIGHT lose their unpaid, cuckolded moderator positions. And how did almost every subreddit on the website respond? They heeled instantly, desperately clinging on to a small bit of power that nobody but them cared about that they had only a small chance of actually losing. In opening all of their subreddits back up, moderation staff have essentially shown that they'll be Reddit's faggy little paypigs if they just level slight, vague threats their way. I didn't think a protest could get more pathetic than the gamestop/robinhood ones on wallstreetbets but here we are. Truly embarassing, only reddit could beat reddit out in terms of being pathetic.

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