98% of people are already freeloaders because the foundation of a functional society is placed on the backs of farmers, priests and law enforcers.
We're already living in a post scarcity world where you don't even have to be good at anything, you just have to convince people you deserve food and shelter with whatever trickery works.
Except that the government is destroying those foundational groups of people because they aren't a large enough voting cohort and this whole post scarcity scheme will fall apart.
If you quit your job and fail there's no shame you should ever feel when everyone has bullshit jobs anyway and the ones who actually have real contributions are considered the greatest enemy of the government.
The only one of these options that has a downside is continuing to work and you know what, people are not becoming farmers, not becoming priests, not becoming cops/soldiers.
If you want the most bullshit possible job of being creative, the fruit of a functioning society, fuck it, the ship's sinking anyway, the captain has abandoned the bridge, you can push and shove for a lifeboat or you can at least try to die happy.
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