Guess who's back + the truth about alts

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Tell your neighbors, tell your friends. I'm back and ready to deal with the darkest pits of this forum, as is regular procedure for any cybersecurity analyst looking to defend his name on the Internet. I will start off by debunking a couple of popular misconceptions about this forum, in the style of Adam Connover from Adam Ruins Everything. I am a big fan of that show because it shows in action how many falsehoods there are about our world, and the danger that misinformation brings to the front steps of its victims (the ignorant and uneducated).

First, Adolf Hitler (also known as "Corona" or "Akefu Raider") is an alt account of the forum admin. This has always been the case, and there is no real impersonation going on outside of the forum admin perhaps forgetting about his dozen or so passwords that he keeps for alt accounts on this site, using the wrong one every now and then. It's as simple as that, and any account which attempts to overcomplicate the situation is also an alt account of the user Adolf Hitler.

Some of Corona's alt accounts include:

  1. Akefu Brewer (both the "real" and "fake" ones – it's all a game!)
  2. Longo
  3. mudd
  4. Obi Marcus Maddox
  5. Khaleeb
  6. 0V3R_L0RD
  7. Dwight Schrute
  8. admin

The entire list goes on much longer.

Second, the much-talked-about "raids" are nothing more than a pie in the sky that is projected by all of the accounts in that list. There are no raids, because the forum owner (Corona) can't raid his own forum–it's not possible. Some of the games played by Corona include:

  1. Making an alt account and then pretending that account had its password stolen.
  2. Making two separate alt accounts and constructing an artificial feud between the two accounts.
  3. Agitating people or otherwise seeking out attention with his alt accounts.
  4. Pretending that a raid just happened (there never have been any raids) and then using his alt accounts to talk about it.
  5. Pretending to have a brother and blaming "him" for things done to the forum.
  6. Finally, and this is the most important one: derailing threads.. The "horse cock" and "tor mader" accounts are a prime example of this.

I hope this thread is enlightening to those who are unaware of the shenanigans going on in our midst, and that it will help deal with alt accounts. Just remember that there are more real people on this forum than alt accounts, so we can easily turn them off our forum if we try. This forum is at its core a democracy, so if we really intend to clean it up and make it better, it's in our power to do so.


I am NOT an alt. You, on the other hand, are an alt. You're just another one of John Mosley's chess pieces that I'm not falling for, or should I say–-Akefu? That's right, the real Akefu hasn't been on this forum in years, so I agree with you there. JOHN took over that account and has been using it to infuriate me all this time. This forum claims to have "free speech" but users are being censored left and right. So, where's your free speech, John? This revival forum will surely fail if not for acting as a bastion of free speech, a topic that's too serious to joke about. This issue has torn apart countries and killed millions of people, and you have the audacity to throw around free speech as if it's a punchline? True free speech requires for there to be censorship of bigotry in order to protect those with sensitive ears. This forum is full of bigotry, racism, sexism, classism, and a handful of other charges that will surely lead to its downfall. If you want an example of a website that actually cares about the freedom of speech, I urge you to look at Reddit, the bastion of civilized discussion on the Internet. There is no civility here and you can see it in the recent conversations. John Mosley needs to pay for what he's done.

can someone fill me in on who akefu is

tull - go to this post

can someone fill me in on who akefu is

An autistic retard that everybody makes fun of.

Akefu "Raider" is, like Krebs says, an alt account and parody of Akefu.

Hey! You need to log in or create an account to do anything on this forum.

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