I'm Being Impersonated

admin akefu corona help holy shit impersonations raids 
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The title says it all. None of these accounts alleged to be me are mine. The admin (fatmin) of this pisspile yee yee ass forum is impersonating me in order to maintain the illusion that the forum receives any activity at all, even if the activity is just some guy raiding. The truth is that there are no raids. There is no spam. There is no raider. There are no users aside from the owner of this site. John Niggersley (not his real name) has created numerous alternate accounts in order to create fake activity on the forum. Evidently, this wasn't enough. It fooled nobody so fagmin dug himself into a deeper hole by pretending to be me. He malignantly assumed my identity or rather the identity he attributed to me which in fact doesn't reflect reality. So called "raid" accounts manifested owned by none other than fagmin himself. He FuckFucked his own forum all around and tried pissing down the throtes of the imaginary audience everything is seemingly addressed to on this forum. When, in fact, there is no audience here, not even of spectators. The fact is, sweatybasementdwellermin isn't Dani Filth so nobody wants his piss down their throtes, hence his entire scheme falling flat on its face. Not to mention there was no possibility of success considering there is no userbase. Penissuckermin even ran a failed ad wave to attempt to cope with the state of the forum. Surprise surprise, it also failed because everyone has an ad blocker, and the retards who don't probably won't notice the ad let alone click it and become a user of a dead forum full of alts and pictures of horse cocks and greasy hairy oiled up black men. Anyway, the owner of this forum has proven himself beyond any shadow of a doubt to be a schizophrenic niggerfish in his mother's basement who is the sole user of his forum. Looks like Dwight Schrute and Brian Krebs were right all along. Too bad they aren't with us anymore because fagmin erased all traces of their accounts forever so that nobody could see the truth. In any case, I shall stand alone as the sole protector of freedom, dignity, and truth here on this forum for the brief time I make this post, only to leave and never return or even so much as look back because of how shitty this place is. I'm tired of getting impersonated by this catfish shit obsessed sissy who was given his mother's credit card so that he would shut the fuck up about forums and leave her alone. I demand that the impersonations stop and my account be given administrator right this fucking nanosecond and I also demand .3 in etherium right this fucking instant and I want 2 kittens and I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to be given a girlfriend as well. If my demands are not met, I will show you motherfuckers what a REAL raid looks like by spamming the everliving fuck out of this shitty yee yee ass fuckpile forum until my demands are met. You have 22 hours.

you’re one of the numerous alt accounts created to fake activity on this forum. stop trying to bring akefu back, it’s not gonna happen. akefu died in the last great raid… this is public knowledge…

LOTS OF NIGGER BABBLE (EBONICS!!!) IN THIS THREAD! Sounds like a breeding ground for niggers that’s run by the Jews!

Real Corona - go to this post

The truth is that there are no raids. There is no spam. There is no raider. There are no users aside from the owner of this site. John Niggersley (not his real name) has created numerous alternate accounts in order to create fake activity on the forum. Evidently, this wasn't enough. It fooled nobody so fagmin dug himself into a deeper hole by pretending to be me. He malignantly assumed my identity or rather the identity he attributed to me which in fact doesn't reflect reality. So called "raid" accounts manifested owned by none other than fagmin himself.

You are the raider, jerkoff. Get off your high horse and get real. I hate to burst your bubble, bucko, but all of these accounts are your alts (alternates). You’ve got another thing coming when Brosnan Bee (also known as John Midas) lands that ban hammer on you.

You’re impersonating me. I am the real Akefu Brewer, but you may call me Deagan. You are trying to make it seem as if I’m raiding this forum, but in truth I have lots of history with this forum and would never raid it again. You see, I’ve grown up and am about to graduate from high school. I have completed several college credits over the summer. I’m something of a child prodigy, but what’s more important is that several bigger kids like to push me around. It’s hard being one of the shorter folk, but my mom says I’ll grow taller in the coming years.

Anyways, there should be no question that I’m really Akefu. In order to prove it, I’ll disclose a little secret about my sex life which is that I want for a big milkered mommy to feminize me and have me wear girl’s clothes. Yes, it’s embarrassing, but that is what I like. You should now be certain that I’m Akefu.

True Corona - go to this post

Okay, fakey wakey. We all know I'm the real corona, and you haven't even posted about your fetishes so I know this is a total 100% fake.

This is the real one.

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