Kill people. It's legal now. No government can stop you if enough people start killing.
Robert Adamant - go to this post
Kill people. It's legal now. No government can stop you if enough people start killing.
How do you feel about your liberal girlfriends refusing to have sex with you because you voted Trump
BallBoy - go to this post
How do you feel about your liberal girlfriends refusing to have sex with you because you voted Trump
I have enough girlfriends it just helped me figure out who is actually worth my time.
Imagine hearing that people want you to stop being a whore and your method of threatening them is by not being a whore.
Robert Adamant - go to this post
I have enough girlfriends
How many of them are AI?
Robert Adamant - go to this post
Kill people. It's legal now. No government can stop you if enough people start killing.
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