Why do men lie about their income

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I never met one single guy who hasn't lied or was too much of a baby to tell how much they make. Is it because of the need to impress women? The need to look superior? Is it because if they tell the truth then no girl would want them?

Why do women lie about their bodycount?

KhaIeeb - go to this post

Why do women lie about their bodycount?

I can't relate nor do I know any female who lies about that

I pride myself on how I have managed to have such a low income that I have never needed to pay taxes yet still live a very comfortable life due to good health and a strong network of in person and internet friends.
Money is coercive so it's just safer to be around someone who has more money so long as they don't use it to coerce you.
With less money it's then harder to argue you could keep someone else safe let alone 3 or more kids who won't become economically productive for at least two decades.
The biggest problem with making money a measure of reproductive success is that the average man is wealthiest at 45.
It just so happens that's also the age where men finally become infertile.
Almost like how women can only get married after the average woman has reached peak fertility at age 18.

The problem is that there is an incentive to wait as long as possible to commit to a partner because then you can have more power in the relationship.
If everyone just waits until they are at their maximum reproductive potential they end up never actually marrying or if they do they waited too long and the commitment is now meaningless because it likely won't bear as many children.

Because men are in large amounts of debt from student loans and credit cards that they have yet to pay off in their 30s but they are desperate so they won't tell anyone that they just lie and add together their annual income with their debt and that is how they come up with that imaginary number.

Evil Carrots - go to this post

Because men are in large amounts of debt from student loans and credit cards that they have yet to pay off in their 30s but they are desperate so they won't tell anyone that they just lie and add together their annual income with their debt and that is how they come up with that imaginary number.

This too.
I'm wealthier than about 90% of Americans just because I don't have any debt.
It's really shameful for people to admit they are a slave.

Mr Egg - go to this post

I can't relate nor do I know any female who lies about that

I honestly don't know if it's a valid concern but I really would want to look into what some people are claiming about how only women apparently "imprint" on the first man they have sex with and if she's had sex with any man before you can't expect her to remain committed.
If women are lying about being virgins they might be aware of this too and having spoken to girls on Discord (virgins) and girls on Tinder (whores) the virgins do actually seem much more concerned about the health of the relationship and that seriousness persists even after having sex.

I have yet to see how a girl acts before and after the lose their virginity to someone that isn't me.
It would be much more complicated to do that on purpose but I have enough contacts now that there's a better chance one of them will do it and that I won't feel cucked.

Unfortunately for a majority of women they end up losing their virginities earlier than they wanted to because men like to coerce and pressure the woman they are with. Men in a relationship will usually leave a female if they don't put out for them, so you only have yourselves to blame if the woman you are talking to is a virgin or not and whether she will agree to have sex with you or not.

Mr Egg

3 days ago (edited by Mr Egg 3 days ago)

Can we stay on topic please? I asked why men lie about their income, not why insecure men can't accept that a girl they like has already lost their virginity because he is afraid of his sexual performance and dick size being compared to the guy before him.

Robert Adamant

3 days ago (edited by Robert Adamant 3 days ago)

Evil Carrots - go to this post

Unfortunately for a majority of women they end up losing their virginities earlier than they wanted to because men like to coerce and pressure the woman they are with. Men in a relationship will usually leave a female if they don't put out for them, so you only have yourselves to blame if the woman you are talking to is a virgin or not and whether she will agree to have sex with you or not.

I honestly think discord or other social networking things that aren't location based might be resolving that.
it would require proving a lot more commitment to travel a large distance to meet with someone

Mr Egg - go to this post

Can we stay on topic please? I asked why men lie about their income, not why insecure men can't accept that a girl they like has already lost their virginity because he is afraid of his sex performance being compared to the guy before him.

Ok I'll bring this back on topic.
Wealth is a way of showing how capable a man is of commitment that is hard to fake.
The concern is that being poor might indicate that the man is less capable of commitment.
He probably doesn't realize that he can play minecraft and he can prove he has a high level of commitment while weighing only 130lbs and having as many dollars to his name.

I personally wouldn't date a guy who plays video games as a hobby

mayo - go to this post

I personally wouldn't date a guy who plays video games as a hobby

neither would I, but it is important that men have atleast SOME hobbies so that they aren't just laying in bed jerking off and developing a porn or weed addiction

mayo - go to this post

I personally wouldn't date a guy who plays video games as a hobby

It might not be intuitive or make labia swell but my guess is that the guy who made this monster in Minecraft is not particularly concerned with having sex as soon as possible

Robert Adamant - go to this post

It might not be intuitive or make labia swell but my guess is that the guy who made this monster in Minecraft is not particularly concerned with having sex as soon as possible

Guys like that should just kill themselves tbh. All they do is waste everyone else's time and resources.

Mr. Egg - go to this post

Guys like that should just kill themselves tbh. All they do is waste everyone else's time and resources.

Sounds like you just dislike men, there are vanishingly few circumstances where that's a good faith position.

I agree with impersonator Mr. Egg.

I would attribute it to societal expectations, gender norms, and the pressure men feel to be providers. In many cultures, men are often judged on their ability to succeed financially. Admitting a lower income might make them feel vulnerable or inadequate. It's part of the broader issue of toxic masculinity and how societal norms influence behavior. But it's not just about men trying to impress women. It could also stem from a fear of judgment from peersβ€”not just romantic partners. Society often connects financial success with worth and value.

KhaIeeb - go to this post

Why do women lie about their bodycount?

In my experience, peopleβ€”not just womenβ€”tend to lie about various aspects of their lives when they feel judged, embarrassed, or when they think telling the truth might alter the way others perceive them. Body count, which I assume you're referring to intimate encounters, can be a sensitive topic laden with societal expectations and potential stigma. So, people might lie because they're human, and humans can be messy.

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