Sugar Metabolism

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I made a post on /fit/ talking about how much of a difference eating candy made to my gains.
Apparently it's common but occult knowledge among strongmen that eating lots of sugar is critical for high intensity exercise.
What I was disappointed by was that so few people were willing to talk about how racially dependent this was.
The reason why sugar is an occult mystery among weightlifters is because if you're too loud about it you'll find that white people are much better at metabolizing sugar.
The consequence of this anti-white racist secrecy is that everyone thinks sugar is bad despite it being basically all your muscles can use.
If you have a surplus of sugar your shit just turns green, it doesn't turn into fat.
So many Americans are obese because the inferior races (specifically latinas at an 80% rate of obesity) can't eat the high sugar English/German/Scandinavian/Slavic diet.
Notice that the non-mediterranean whites are also widely known for alcohol consumption.
Alcohol has a lot of sugar in it and is a reliable source of sugar and muscular development for many average people.
When blacks, mediterraneans or asians try to drink alcohol like northern europeans they will have many more health problems.

The opposition to racism that recognizes northern whites as physically superior is creating a health crisis across the entire world.

The idea about sugar being bad really doesn't apply to whites unless you're a fat fuck and you don't actually get any exercise.

Schizoid Man - go to this post

The idea about sugar being bad really doesn't apply to whites unless you're a fat fuck and you don't actually get any exercise.

Well said, also I remembered that Poland is very ethnically homogenous for some historical reasons and the frequency of diabetes among 20-29 year old men there is 0.7%.
The rate really only increases when you include the older people who don't exercise as much.
I spent a couple weeks in Poland and they constantly get shitfaced drunk. Especially the 20-29 year old crowd.

Athletes eat lots of sugar. Sugar isnt evil. No food is. Although its worth noting that all carbs metabolize as sugar (the kind your body uses) so you dont really need any sugary foods.

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