Stop it

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That's clearly lies because I've been getting emails from different things like Detroit Pistons emails autism emails sexual emails from freaking websites I don't even go to so whoever is doing this please tell them to stop because this is harassment and I'm going to call the cops and I'm going to have harassment charges pressed against them if this does not right now

Yeah basically he was spamming the chat and I told him several times not to and that's when he reported me to Discord and that's when my server got deactivated this morning and I did nothing wrong which was shocking
Maybe if I got some fucking help on Tiny chat earlier and people actually listen to me and did what I asked instead of giving me a fucking hard time maybe I wouldn't be a tyrant and I wouldn't banned people
Told you I'm here
You dumbasses forgot this is my chat and you can't talk dirt about me without me knowing
So good luck with that

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