Book/essay title suggestions

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Something I've found about writing essays is that the title works as a kind of seed or skeleton that I can keep in mind so that I stay on topic.
I'm interested in writing an essay that makes an argument that death is bad and I'm not sure what I should title it.
I've already written two other works that give the same impression such as "Total Loss and Absolute Torment" and "Beasts" but I just don't know what other permutations would work.
Maybe I should just look at heavy metal naming conventions.
I only want this work to be about 8k words long like the book of revelationβ€”honestly really trying to create something with a similar message to thatβ€”but idk if such a neutral title would work.

Stavromula Beta or Agrajag's Cathedral of Hate could be nice candidates.

Masturbate ahhhhhhhhhhh

You should give your essay a title once you've completed it, not before.

That is never how it works and I've written a lot of essays.
This is what I have in mind so far:

i wrote a short story a little while back and I'm pretty sure what i want to write is a revision of that.

The core dilemma is that the main character can live forever but can still be harmed. This is achieved by some technological advancement. The struggle for the main character is then creating a society that makes sure he is always aware of what things could potentially harm him. So he builds a city where he ensures there is a high population and that everyone is raised very well so that they can get older and illustrate for the main character all the ways he could die. An unconventional kind of farm that has the singular purpose or outlining the face of death.

I'll call the story "Unending slaughter"

it would be from the perspective of the character 𐑣 talking about different numbers in his farm. The different chapters or sections will be divided at least for me by the names of the person of particular focus. So the chapters will be titled like this.

𐑣: Main exposition for the main character and narrator

𐑣-3450381: a mother among the reproducing numbers

𐑣-3450381556871560: a daughter of 𐑣-3450381

3450381382863967-𐑣: a son of 𐑣-3450381

0888467-𐑣: a man among the numbers of 𐑣

π‘ž: a potential successor to 𐑣 who is given the same vulnerable immortality of 𐑣 but without the authority.

the naming convention would come from a contrived formality in the universe where maturing is living long enough to change your name to a number with fewer digits.

𐑣 is the h sound in "ha-ha" and π‘ž is the voiced th sound in "the"

I wouldnt know i am not good at writing. i never did essays or book report type shit in school but always passed with a high B because I have huge tits or something

My Destruction.

Robert Adamant

3 weeks ago (edited by Robert Adamant 3 weeks ago)

I'm 2,000 words in and going much slower than I usually do. I want to make sure I really effectively answer this question of what would happen if somebody was successfully immortal. It feels like it would be a particularly instructive story if I take it seriously enough.

Schizoid Man - go to this post

My Destruction.

pretty solid actually. Has a really simple but clever quality where the object of destruction could be anything and himself.

Name it nigger death

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