In my early days, I firmly believed that the Ezo ideology would promulgate as a natural result of the degeneration of society, but over time, I have come to realize that it is most important for Man to push forward this system of belief into beginning its metamorphosis, like the act of kick-starting a petrol engine, rather than waiting for that which you believe will happen on its own.
There are two main strategies for creating change: External motivation and internal motivation. Only two because they are at the extremes of one most critical axis but there are alternative axis of power and a spectrum of expression.
If you want to externally motivate people you take on every person as a project to mold into exactly who you want them to be.
This is common for nearly every small organization with respectable leadership.
If you want to internally motivate people you reform yourself to being so incredibly accurate in your understanding of the world and way of living that others realize they would be making a mistake if they dismissed you.
This is common for large organizations that could theoretically spread to become decentralized global phenomena.
It seems as though you want people to become internally motivated to adopt this Ezo ideology. If that is failing to occur the best strategy is to surround yourself with a cadre of trusted friends that will help you reform your ideology until it is robust enough for more than your devout cadre to meaningfully adopt. The longer you spend in that incubation phase the more potent your ideology could become.
If you manage to contaminate your cadre with external motivation it will take much longer to become fit for virality.
It was surprising to find that at a certain point Hitler had lost control of Germany and was profoundly distraught to hear that "his" military was going to invade England.
That is what happens if you cook your ideology for a decade like he and Benjamin Franklin did.
No one says shit about Ben's hatred for Quakers and his distain for this minority religious group having control over Pennsylvania.
Pretty sure he killed his one Quaker friend a year or two after his Junto (Benjamin's cadre) disbanded after a decade.
anyway yeah, that's just how it works, could go really well or really bad.
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